"Building a Secure Future: How Annuities Safeguard Retirement and Cultivate Wealth"

Fixed Index Annuity Roadmap.  How a Fixed Index Annuity works.

If you have an old 401(k) or 403(b) account from a previous job, you are going to want to know this!  Want to make sure that your retirement savings is protected and won't decrease if the market takes a dive like it may have back in 2008?  Want to make sure that you don’t ever outlive your retirement savings when you are in retirement?  If any of this is true to you, here is what you want to know about Fixed Index Annuities and how it can secure your financial future.

If you have an old 401(k), 403(b), 457, or IRA account, you’ll want to consider rolling it over to a Fixed Index Annuity.  Here is why:

  1. Rollover bonuses!  Many banks are offering up to 45% rollover bonuses on the income that you deposit into your annuity.  Just for transferring your funds, you can earn free money that will be added to your principal amount that will compound in interest over time.

  2. 100% protection!  In an FIA, your funds are protected from the volatility of the market.  If the market performs well, depending on the type of annuity, you can earn the max amount in interest (rates will fluctuate) or you can choose to earn a fixed interest year over year. If the market takes a dive, your account will not.  You may earn less in interest, but your account will never lose money and will be protected against a market downturn.

  3. Lifetime income!  An annuity will calculate, based on your principle, age, and health, how much you can get paid out so that you don’t ever run out of money during your retirement years.  Many Americans, find themselves returning to work or depending on their adult children for financial support because they didn’t have the security of lifetime payouts factored into their retirement plan.

  4. Never lose money!  Again, if the market tanks, you may earn less in interest, but you will never lose a dime.

  5. Only growth!  Year over year, your money will only earn interest.  

  6. Meets RMD requirements!  Every year, retirees are required to withdraw their funds to meet RMD requirements.  In an annuity, your withdrawals will meet RMD requirements and still continue to grow while you are in retirement.

  7. Can provide a nursing home waiver! Access a portion of the annuity’s value to pay for qualified long-term care expenses.  A Long-Term Care rider can be activated to provide monthly benefits for specific long-term care costs.

  8. Quick access to income!  You don’t have to wait until you are in retirement to access your income.  Income can begin as quickly as 30 days.

  9. Increasing death benefit!  As you are kicking back in retirement, collecting your income payouts and watching your money continue to compound in interest, what is left over after you die will go to your beneficiaries.  How amazing is that to be able to leave a legacy for your loved ones!

If you or know anyone who might have a 401(k), 403(b), 457 or IRA, make sure they understand the potential for loss and that they are not protected from a market downturn.  I can help determine the best strategies for retirement, and can help make sure to get you the right product as I have access to hundreds of the country’s top banks offering superior products.

Schedule a FREE consultation and let’s be sure that you have a SOLID retirement plan that will protect you from potential loss.

Kwesi Childress

CEO & Founder of Kwesi Childress Financial Consulting

  I write about strategies to enhance your retirement savings and options for financial growth potential.  I’m passionate about helping families of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life, plan for retirement and create generational wealth with power and confidence.


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